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Garrison’s Log

Garrison’s Log

This here page’ll be where our esteemed (and brilliant, and dashingly handsome, and overall great guy) first mate, Garrison M. Garrison, III, will keep you up to date with any future scheduled events, bad puns, and piratical ramblings. . . but mostly, bad puns.

Is this thing on? Test 1, 2, Test 1, 2

Is this thing on? Test 1, 2, Test 1, 2

Aaaaand we’re back!  Some of you may have noticed that the page has been down for a while.  Well, we finally  got around to putting it back up, more or less.  Plenty of updates and content will be heading your way soon.  In the meantime, hold on to your tricorns.  It might be a bumpy ride.